The Geotechnical Society of Edmonton is pleased to present Dr. Pooneh Maghoul, Polytechnique Montréal
Date: February 12, 2025
Time: 11:30am – 1:30pm
Location: La Cité francophone, 8627 Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury, Edmonton
Cost: GSE/CGS Members $30, Students $15, Non-members $40
Register on EventBrite
Registration @ 11:30 AM; Dinner @ 6:00 PM; Presentation @ 7:00PM with socializing to follow.
Title Sponsor: ConeTec
The Moon has become a central focus of international exploration, with numerous space agencies and private entities aiming for sustainable lunar operations by the late 2020s. Key objectives include establishing long-term human habitats, enabling resource utilization, and paving the way for Mars missions. However, challenges such as harsh conditions, limited resources, and insufficient regolith data persist. Traditional infrastructure designs fall short of addressing lunar constraints, and current knowledge of subsurface conditions and regolith properties remains inadequate. Advancing resource mapping, in-situ testing, and multi-functional instruments is essential for sustainable settlement and industrial operations. This lecture highlights ongoing research in lunar geotechnics, advanced geophysics and AI-powered photonics technologies for water ice and volatile prospecting, moonquake-resilient infrastructure, and bio-inspired drilling technologies for sustainable exploration and construction in low-gravity lunar environments.
Dr. Pooneh Maghoul is a Full Professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Director of the Sustainable Infrastructure and Geoengineering Research Laboratory (SIGLab) and the Space Resources and Infrastructure Engineering Research Unit (Astrolith) at Polytechnique Montréal. She is also the Lead for Sustainable Infrastructure in Cold Regions at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) and co-Chair of the Geotechnical Engineering and Foundation sub-group of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Lunar Engineering Design, Analysis, and Construction.
Dr. Maghoul’s research focuses on developing resilient and sustainable infrastructure in extreme environments, including space and cold regions. Her work includes permafrost engineering, smart mining, energy transition, low-carbon materials for ground improvement, geo-structural health monitoring, and In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) on the Moon. She has received numerous prestigious awards, including the Outstanding Young Geotechnical Engineer Award from the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Her innovative research has resulted in over 13 patents and software licenses and led to the creation of several startup companies.