
Dr. Don Scott – Applied Geotechnical Design Award

In 2003, the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Alberta held the first of what was to become an annual competition for it's graduate students, challenging them to put the theory they were learning into practice. They were required to design and predict...

Stan Thomson Award

In 1982, the GSE introduced the Geotechnical Service Award, which is currently known as Stan Thomson Geotechnical Society Award since 1999. This award recognizes a particular individual's contribution to the development and growth of the GSE and to geotechnical/...

NAIT Student Award

The NAIT Student Award was established to encourage technical student involvement in the GSE. The award consists of a cash price given annually to a first or second year student based on: Current GSE student member Academic standing in the geotechnical-based course...

Morgenstern Student Award

In 1989, the GSE introduced the GSE Graduate Student Award, which is presently known as N.R. Morgenstern Student Award since 1999. The award is given to the graduate student who submits the best paper as selected by the professors in the Geotechnical Division of the...
CGS: Nominations for Early Achievement Award

CGS: Nominations for Early Achievement Award

The CGS is looking for nominations for the Early Achievement Award. This award was created in 2018 to celebrate a young professional (under 40 years old) for their contributions to the geotechnical/geoscience practice, to the CGS, and to the geotechnical community....

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